Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Happy Halloween!


(But please remember that STEM projects are due Friday 11/2)

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: "Day of the Dead" read/annotate + page 2
- Math: Color by Numbers #3

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Due 11/2
- Poetry Test: Monday 11/5
- Science Non-Fiction Book Due 11/7
- Thanksgiving Traditions pot luck 11/15

Monday, October 29, 2018


Good Afternoon!
Things are going to move at light speed from here until Winter Break!

On the horizon: We have our Book Fair Preview on Friday the 2nd, Parent/Teacher Conferences from the 5th-16th, and a Thanksgiving Feast/Tasting on the 16th.

A couple of parents asked me for the link to LAUSD's Parent Passport Portal. Here it is!
We are fortunate enough to have a chromebook cart in the building, which we share with Room 13. Students are doing a lot of independent research, as well as engaging in skills practice and reading online. If possible, it would be great for each student to have a pair of earbuds that they can use with the chromebooks in class.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: "History of Halloween" worksheet
- Math: Color by Numbers #5

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Due 11/2
- Poetry Test: Friday 11/2
- Science Non-Fiction Book Due 11/7

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Wish List

- kleenex (it's that time of year!)
- water bottles

- Sharpies (to share with the class)
- cardboard toilet paper & paper towel rolls, egg cartons, kleenex boxes
- a globe  (If you have a globe sitting in your garage that you wouldn't mind donating to our classroom, that would be fantastic!)

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Don't Forget:  1) Students should bring costumes in a bag tomorrow. They will change at 12:00.  2) Students should bring a lunch -- or plan to eat at the Cafeteria. We will eat early, though many students will eat again once families arrive.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Finish Compare/Contrast Roz & RECOs
- MATH: 3-1
- Science: "Equinoxes & Solstices" - page 4

- Earth Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #4 questions DUE 10/29

- Bring a pumpkin!
- Bring an empty cereal box -- or two!

Ongoing & Upcoming:
Wild Robot Test: 10/29
- At-Home STEM: 11/2
- Science Non-Fiction: 11/7

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Themes/Poetry
- MATH: Open-Ended Decimal Questions
- Science: "Equinoxes & Solstices" - page 3

- Earth Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #4 questions DUE 10/29

- Bring a pumpkin!
- Bring an empty cereal box -- or two!

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Wild Robot Test: 10/26
- At-Home STEM: 11/2
- Science Non-Fiction: 11/7

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Poetry - 
- MATH: Unit 2 Quiz 1 & 2
- Science: "Equinoxes & Solstices" - page 2

- Earth Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #4 questions DUE 10/29

- Bring a pumpkin!
- Bring an empty cereal box -- or two!

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Unit 2 Math Test: 10/24 (or 10/25)
- Wild Robot Test: 10/26
- At-Home STEM: 11/2
- Science Non-Fiction: 11/7

Monday, October 22, 2018


Just a few quick announcements:
It's middle school recommendation season! If you know you will be needing a recommendation for middle school, please send me the information as soon as possible. Weekends are the best time for me to get those taken care of for you, but I don't want to get everything at the last minute.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up! Conferences will be held November 5-16th. Please look for an email from me about time/date preferences and sign ups.

We will be making pumpkin globes next week. If possible, please have your student bring in a small-medium sized pumpkin by Monday.
- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Poetry - "The Village Green"
- MATH: Finish Unit 2 Practice Test
- Science: "Equinoxes & Solstices" - read & annotate

- Bring a pumpkin!
- Bring an empty cereal box -- or two!

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Unit 2 Math Test: 10/24
- Wild Robot Test: 10/26
- At-Home STEM: 11/2
- Science Non-Fiction: 11/7

Thursday, October 18, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Poetry - "My Shadow" by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Math: Unit 2 Practice Test
- Social Studies: "Democracy" page 4

- If possible, bring in an empty cereal box (or two!) by Monday

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Science Non-Fiction DUE: 11/7
- At-Home STEM DUE: 11/2
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

- Unit 2 Math Test: 11/24
- The Wild Robot Test: 11/24

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Poetry - "Mr. Nobody" by Anonymous
- Math: 2-8 (front=odds, back=evens)
- Social Studies: "Democracy" - page 2

* Find ONE fact (or statistic) about robots that you might use in your Opinion Essay

- Science w/Brandon: DUE Wednesday 10/17

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Non-Fiction (science) DUE: 11/7
- At-Home STEM DUE: 11/2
- 40 Book Challenge: Keep going!

- Math Test (decimals): 10/24
- ELA Test (The Wild Robot): 10/24

Monday, October 15, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Poetry - "Bed in Summer" by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Math: 2-7 (front=odds, back=evens)
- Social Studies: "Democracy" - read & annotate

- Science w/Brandon: DUE Wednesday 10/17

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Non-Fiction (science) DUE: 11/7
- At-Home STEM DUE: 11/2
- 40 Book Challenge: Keep going!

- Math Test (decimals): 10/24
- ELA Test (The Wild Robot): 10/24

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Students experienced a fantastic Hispanic Heritage Month performance today, and there was even a churro tasting!

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 2-5 (front & back)
- Social Studies: "Rights & Responsibilities" page 4

- Science w/Brandon
- Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #3 questions DUE 10/15

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Project #2: DUE 11/2
- Non-Fiction (science) Book DUE: 11/7
- 40 Book Challenge: Keep going!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 2-4 (front & back)
- Social Studies: "Rights & Responsibilities" page 3

- Science w/Brandon: "Exit Slip 1" DUE Tomorrow; page 8-11 questions DUE 10/17
- Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #3 worksheet DUE 10/15

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Non-Fiction (science) DUE: 11/7
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 2-2 & 2-3 (p. 29: #1, 2, 6, 12, 22; p. 31: #2, 9, 14, 25)
- Social Studies: "Rights & Responsibilities" page 2

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Non-Fiction (science) Book DUE: 11/7
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Monday, October 8, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- The Wild Robot, chapters 72-80 --> Finish the book!
- ELA: Responding to the Text (at least 5 citations)
- Math: 2-1, p 27 odd; p 28 even
- Social Studies: "Rights & Responsibilities" read + annotate

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Historical Fiction DUE: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge: Keep going!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Today we met these Significant Americans: Ellen Ochoa, Augusta Savage, Jerry Yang, Apolo Anton Ohno, Louis Armstrong, and Booker T. Washington.




- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math (Lesson 1-9): page 17 #2, 4, 11; page 18 #10, 15, 16, 18
- Science "What is an Orbit?" page 3, questions 1-4

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Historical Fiction DUE: 10/10
- Math Test: Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Unlike
Denominators MONDAY 10/8
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: CGI Word Problem #64
- Science: "What is an Orbit?" - page 2, questions 1-4

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Math Test - Fractions: Monday 10/8
- Historical Fiction DUE: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Monday, October 1, 2018


We had a fantastic start to our Significant Americans presentations! Today we were introduced to Helen Keller, Michelle Obama, Yo-Yo Ma, Rachel Carson, and Ruby Bridges!



- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA - The Wild Robot: Chapters 56-71
- Responding to the Text: the Wild Robot (at least 5 citations)
- Math (1-8): p. 15 #1, 8, and 10, p. 16 #2, 5, 16, 17
- Science: "What is an Orbit?" read + annotate

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Historical Fiction DUE: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge: Keep going!