We are Readers!

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We are all readers in Room 14!

My language arts program is standards based, which means I use the CCSS to guide all instruction.  (For more information about the Common Core State Standards, please click HERE.)

In class we will be doing a lot of close reading using both literature and informational text. 

We will be using core literature -- complete novels -- as the basis for our fiction reading in Room 14, in lieu of the excerpted passages in the Benchmark program. (A letter will go home prior to the start of each novel, informing families of the title, and allowing you the choice of buying a copy for your student, borrowing a copy from the Los Angeles Public Library, or using one of the five classroom copies.)

One cannot understate the importance of reading, to a child's education, development, and to understanding of the world around them. Without question, reading is the most important part of daily homework. In addition, we will be doing a couple of things, in class, to encourage reading:

Students will complete a book "report" once a month, in class, on a predetermined genre book.  Students will receive the book report schedule during the first week of school.  In addition, students in Room 14 will be participating in a 40 Book Challenge!

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