Thursday, November 29, 2018


We've settled on a Winter Program song for the 5th graders! Students will be singing "Winter Song" by Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson.

There is a link to the Video Version HERE.

There is a link to the Video With Lyrics HERE.

We are still trying to decide what students will wear, etc. I will let you know as soon as I know.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: Unit 3 -- Quick Quiz 1
- ELA: Read to page 182 in Inside Out & Back Again
- Science: "Seasonal Patterns" -- page 4

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Memorize "Winter Song" lyrics
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Posting from the road...

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math 3-12, p. 68-69 -- odd
- ELA: Read to page 182 in Inside Out & Back Again
- Science: "Seasonal Patterns" -- page 3

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math 3-11, p. 66-67 -- odd
- ELA: Read to page 182 in Inside Out & Back Again
- Science: "Seasonal Patterns" -- page 2

- Physical Science w/Brandon: p. 28-31 + questions DUE Wednesday

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Monday, November 26, 2018


Welcome Back! There are only three more weeks until Winter Break, and we are going to make them count!

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math 3-10, p. 65-66 odds
- ELA: Read to page 182 in Inside Out & Back Again
- Science: Read & Annotate "Seasonal Patterns"

- Physical Science w/Brandon: p. 28-31 + questions DUE Wednesday

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Thank You!

This is the season of thanks, so I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you!

Thanks to all of the families who sent food on Thursday for our Feast, and to the parents (and grandma!) who came up to school to serve the kids. 

And thanks to the wonderful parent who spent Friday afternoon teaching the students how to play new games at our Board Game Party!

It was lovely to celebrate my birthday with the class! And thank you all so much for the Amazon gift card -- and all of the individual gifts!

Thank you to all of the families who have donated paper towels, kleenexes, water bottles, school supplies, and other items from the Wish List this year!

Thanks, too, to those families who have donated books from the Book Fair, and also classroom copies of our Core Lit books!

Thank you to the parents who worked tirelessly as chaperones at Astro Camp, and to those who have so generously donated money to pay for other students to be able to go to CIMI Camp.

Thanks to all of the parents working on the Culmination Committee! It's a huge job, but such an important support for the 5th grade program. 

Thank you to our wonderful Room Parents for all of the time and energy they devote to keeping everyone informed and organized!

And finally, I wanted to thank you for sharing your kind, creative, funny, and brilliant students with me this year! This bunch will be a tough act to follow next year.

With Love & Gratitude,

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 3-7 (pages 59-60, odds)
- ELA: Read "Part I" in Inside Out & Back Again by Friday 11/16
- Social Studies: Thanksgiving Traditions writing

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5

Thursday, November 8, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 3-6 odd
- ELA: Bring one interesting fact about Vietnam and Refugees to add to our charts tomorrow.
- Social Studies: "Refugees & Migrants" Quick Check

- Thanksgiving Traditions Feast & Writing Due 11/15

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Posting from the road:

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 3-4 & 3-5 ODD
- "Migrant & Refugee Children" worksheet

- Thanksgiving Traditions Feast & Writing Due 11/15

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


I hope everyone is voting today! Every vote counts!

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math p. 51 odds, p. 52 odds
- ELA: Read page 2 of "Vietnam" + annotate!
- Social Studies: Migrants & Refugees worksheet

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Science Non-Fiction Due 11/7 (TOMORROW)
- Thanksgiving Traditions Pot Luck + Writing due Thursday 11/15

Monday, November 5, 2018


Posting from the road...

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: p 49 odds, p 50 odds
- ELA: Read page 1 of "Vietnam" + annotate

- Poetry Test Tomorrow (11/6)
- Science Non-Fiction Due 11/7

Thursday, November 1, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: "Day of the Dead" pages 3-4
- Math: Color by Numbers #6

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Due 11/2
- Poetry Test: Monday 11/5
- Science Non-Fiction Book Due 11/7
- Thanksgiving Traditions pot luck 11/15