Saturday, December 19, 2020


Sky Watchers!

Don't miss the Great Conjunction of 2020 on December 21st!

In space, Jupiter and Saturn are more than 400 million miles away from each other, but they will align in the night sky on Dec. 21 in an event astronomers call the "great conjunction" also referred to as the "Christmas Star" marking the planets' closest encounter in nearly 400 years.

Read about it here:

Thursday, December 10, 2020

There's been so much going on, I almost forgot that it's Computer Science Education Week!

Computer Science Education Week is held annually in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906).

This year it is December 7th-13th!

Traditionally, we "celebrate" with an Hour of Code.

I am planning to have students spend some time on coding activities tomorrow, but we'll only have time to try out a small fraction of the options. Here's the link for them to explore on their own:


Friday, October 30, 2020

NASA Posters


Did you guys know that NASA creates cool posters that you can download and print for FREE
I have a few up in my room -- If I didn't think it would be too distracting for students, I would have many more! 🤣

The Galaxy of Horrors set is so fun!

I have one of the Visions of the Future posters. (Mars, of course!)

I also have a couple of the Moon to Mars posters, which are based on NASA's plan to make the Moon a "pit stop" for the first human voyage to Mars:

The Exoplanet Travel Bureau series:

Solar System & Beyond series:

Monday, October 12, 2020


Last week during a zoom, we had a conversation about how we are feeling about school.

Around this time of year it is typical for some students to start to feel overwhelmed. 5th grade is a big step up from 4th, and the pace doesn't slow. Between social studies projects, STEM projects, book reports, and all of the math -- it is a lot.

Distance learning can make overwhelmed students feel even more stressed. Not only are typical teacher "check-ins" almost impossible, students are missing the social support of having other kids in the room with them with whom they can commiserate or lean on -- not to mention the opportunity to "shake it off" during Recess and Lunch on the Upper Yard!

I just wanted to remind you all to check in with your kids, and to be aware that they're not too young to suffer from anxiety and depression. The puberty hormones will be kicking in soon, if they haven't already, and that will definitely throw their emotions out of wack.

As always, please let me know if you are noticing anything that you think I should be aware of. I will help in any way I can.

*EDIT* A parent messaged me for clarification about why typical teacher "check-ins" are almost impossible, so I thought I would post here. When we are on campus, it is easy for me to find a moment to have a private word with a student before school, during recess, walking to the bus at the end of the day, etc. During distance learning, teachers are not allowed to zoom one-on-one with students, or even to go into breakout rooms with students by themselves. In addition, we are cautioned to limit private emails to students to classwork related matters. That means that almost all communication happens in groups. This is challenging when trying to assess difficult emotions.

Sunday, August 30, 2020


Save the Date: School Picture Day + Material Pick Up/Drop Off

Friday, September 11th from 12:00-3:00

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Save the Date: Community Back to School Night

Tuesday, September 8th


5:00        EL Program Options (webinar)

5:30        Principal's Welcome + CFF Announcements (webinar)

5:50        Council Candidate Introductions & Elections (zoom)

6:00        Grade-Level Team Presentations (zoom)

See you there!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

It's almost that time again...

August 18th is right around the corner, and this year we're getting started even earlier than that! (Dates subject to change.)

August 12th:  Parent Orientation (1:00-4:00)
August 14th:  5th Grade chromebook & packet pick-up (12:00-3:00)
August 17th:  Room 14 Distance Learning Orientation
August 21st:  Room 14 Parent Check-In

See you there!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

February Update

Here's what we have coming up in Room 14:

We will be reaching out soon for volunteers on Colonial Day. Please pencil us in!

Feb 07:     Sweetheart Dance 
Feb 17:      NO SCHOOL: President's Day
Feb 19:      Monthly Book Report (Biography) Reading DUE
Feb 21:      African-American History Month Performance
Feb 28:     Spirit Day: Twin, Triplet, Multiples Day

Mar 02:    Biography Book Report presentations begin
Mar 06:    Pump It Up!
Mar 09:    Spring Book Fair (9th-13th)
Mar 18:    Monthly Book Report (Mystery/Adventure) Reading DUE
Mar 20:     Colonial Day
Mar 27:     Spirit Day: Career Day
Mar 27:     Talent Show

Apr 02:      5th Grade Panoramic Pictures
Apr 03:      NO SCHOOL: Cesar Chavez Day
Apr 04:      NO SCHOOL: Spring Break (4th-12th)
Apr 16:       Open House
Apr 18:       West Fest
Apr 20:      SBAC Testing Begins (?)
Apr 22:       MOCA Field Trip

May 13:     CIMI (13th-15th)
May 25:    NO SCHOOL: Memorial Day

Monday, January 13, 2020

January Update

Image result for january new year

Here's what we have coming up in Room 14:

We have THREE field trips this month!  Please look for trip slips in backpacks.

There will not be an at-home STEM/STEAM project this month, but students will be doing some at-home work to get ready for Colonial Day, in addition to a social studies packet.

Also, we will need volunteers on Colonial Day. Please pencil us in!

Ballroom Dancing starts in February!

Jan 15:    Field Trip: JPL
Jan 16:    Field Trip: MOCA
Jan 20:    NO SCHOOL: MLK Day
Jan 22:    Monthly Book Report (Classic/Award Winning) 
                Reading DUE
Jan 30:    Field Trip:  Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
Jan 31:     Spirit Day: Decades

Feb 07:     Sweetheart Dance 
Feb 17:      NO SCHOOL: President's Day
Feb 19:      Monthly Book Report (Biography) Reading DUE
Feb 21:      African-American History Month Performance
Feb 28:     Spirit Day: Twin, Triplet, Multiples Day

Mar 06:    Pump It Up!
Mar 09:    Spring Book Fair (9th-13th)
Mar 20:     Colonial Day
Mar 27:     Spirit Day: Career Day
Mar 27:     Talent Show

Apr 02:      5th Grade Panoramic Pictures
Apr 04:      Spring Break (4th-12th)
Apr 16:       Open House