Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Today we made holiday cards that light up by creating a simple circuit! The students found out that it's not always so "simple", but the cards turned out great! (The circuit map we used is from a company called Chibitronics. If your child is interested, they sell fantastic kits that help students design many types of circuits. You can find more information HERE.)

Tomorrow is the Winter Performance! Please remember to have your child wear blue.  (Unless they are in the front, and then they have special instructions.)

Finish everything!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


We will be having our Room 14 holiday party on Friday afternoon from 12:30 to 2:30. Please check your email for more information from our fabulous Room Parents.

At 10:30 on Friday, we will be having our Book Buddies Party! I have told Room 14 students that it might be nice to bring/make a card or gift for their Room 5 buddy.
Students will have an opportunity to visit the Holiday Bazaar on Thursday morning. If you are so inclined, please send your child with a few dollars to shop.
I am in the process of uploading our four art projects to Artsonia! All student accounts have been connected to parent emails, so check your inbox for information about how to access their work! Artsonia allows you to order t-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, etc -- all with your child's artwork on it. You can even send a link to relatives! It is a great site for holiday gifts.
5th graders will be wearing plain blue shirts for the Winter Performance. Royal, navy, short sleeve, long sleeve, blouse, button up, polo -- any shade or style works, just no print or design.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- FINISH (if necessary): Historical Fiction book report, Science Non-Fiction book report, Figurative Language packet, and Inside Out & Back Again reading comprehension packet.
- MATH: Winter Color by Number (decimals)
- Winter Holiday Project research as needed

Inside Out & Back Again Test: Wednesday 12/12
Winter Holiday Project Due: Friday 12/14

Monday, December 10, 2018


Don't forget: Winter Program attire is a plain blue shirt (short sleeve, long sleeve, button up, polo -- whatever!)

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- FINISH (if necessary): Historical Fiction book report, Science Non-Fiction book report, Figurative Language packet, and Inside Out & Back Again reading comprehension packet.
- MATH: 4-1 odd
- Winter Holiday Project research as needed

Inside Out & Back Again Test: Wednesday 12/12
Winter Holiday Project Due: Friday 12/14

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Student Artwork

Room 14 students have been creating amazing artwork this year, and I'm working on getting it all uploaded to Artsonia. This will be great, because you will be able to order magnets, coffee mugs, canvas prints etc with your student's artwork!

I will let you know as soon as I get this up and running. (I still have magnets of my son's artwork from when he was at Community!) Artsonia is a great place to go for holiday gifts.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Winter Performance Attire:
- A nice, clean blue shirt with no design on it.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: Study the Unit 3 Practice Test
- ELA: Finish Inside Out & Back Again by Friday
- Social Studies: Winter Holiday article & close reading questions by Friday (blue packet)

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Memorize "Winter Song" lyrics
- Unit 3 Math Test: Friday 12/7
Inside Out & Back Again Test: Wednesday 12/12
- Winter Holiday group presentations next Friday 12/14

- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: Unit 3 Practice Test -- pg. 105-110 FINISH
- ELA: Finish Inside Out & Back Again by Friday
- Social Studies: Winter Holiday article & close reading questions by Friday

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Memorize "Winter Song" lyrics
- Unit 3 Math Test: Friday 12/7
Inside Out & Back Again Test: Tuesday 12/11
- Winter Holiday group presentations next Friday 12/14
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: Unit 3 Practice Test -- pg. 105-110
- ELA: Finish Inside Out & Back Again by Friday
- Social Studies: Winter Holiday article & close reading questions by Friday

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Memorize "Winter Song" lyrics
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5
- Unit 3 Math Test: Friday 12/7
Inside Out & Back Again Test: Tuesday 12/11
- Winter Holiday group presentations next Friday 12/14
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Monday, December 3, 2018


Our Winter Program will be on Thursday, December 13th!

As usual, there will be two performances -- one at 8:30 a.m., and one at 1:00 p.m.  5th grade families are encouraged to attend the 1:00 performance, if possible. The 8:30 performance is intended for K, 2nd, and 4th grade families.
Room 14's Holiday Party will be on Friday afternoon, December 14th!

We will have a separate holiday party with our Book Buddies from Room 5 on Friday the 14th as well.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: Unit 3 Quick Quiz 2
- ELA: Finish Inside Out & Back Again by Friday
- Social Studies: Winter Holiday packet

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Memorize "Winter Song" lyrics
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5
- Unit 3 Math Test: Thursday 12/6 tentative
- Inside Out & Back Again Test: Tuesday 12/11
- Winter Holiday group presentations next Friday 12/14
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Thursday, November 29, 2018


We've settled on a Winter Program song for the 5th graders! Students will be singing "Winter Song" by Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson.

There is a link to the Video Version HERE.

There is a link to the Video With Lyrics HERE.

We are still trying to decide what students will wear, etc. I will let you know as soon as I know.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: Unit 3 -- Quick Quiz 1
- ELA: Read to page 182 in Inside Out & Back Again
- Science: "Seasonal Patterns" -- page 4

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Memorize "Winter Song" lyrics
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Posting from the road...

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math 3-12, p. 68-69 -- odd
- ELA: Read to page 182 in Inside Out & Back Again
- Science: "Seasonal Patterns" -- page 3

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math 3-11, p. 66-67 -- odd
- ELA: Read to page 182 in Inside Out & Back Again
- Science: "Seasonal Patterns" -- page 2

- Physical Science w/Brandon: p. 28-31 + questions DUE Wednesday

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Monday, November 26, 2018


Welcome Back! There are only three more weeks until Winter Break, and we are going to make them count!

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math 3-10, p. 65-66 odds
- ELA: Read to page 182 in Inside Out & Back Again
- Science: Read & Annotate "Seasonal Patterns"

- Physical Science w/Brandon: p. 28-31 + questions DUE Wednesday

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Thank You!

This is the season of thanks, so I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you!

Thanks to all of the families who sent food on Thursday for our Feast, and to the parents (and grandma!) who came up to school to serve the kids. 

And thanks to the wonderful parent who spent Friday afternoon teaching the students how to play new games at our Board Game Party!

It was lovely to celebrate my birthday with the class! And thank you all so much for the Amazon gift card -- and all of the individual gifts!

Thank you to all of the families who have donated paper towels, kleenexes, water bottles, school supplies, and other items from the Wish List this year!

Thanks, too, to those families who have donated books from the Book Fair, and also classroom copies of our Core Lit books!

Thank you to the parents who worked tirelessly as chaperones at Astro Camp, and to those who have so generously donated money to pay for other students to be able to go to CIMI Camp.

Thanks to all of the parents working on the Culmination Committee! It's a huge job, but such an important support for the 5th grade program. 

Thank you to our wonderful Room Parents for all of the time and energy they devote to keeping everyone informed and organized!

And finally, I wanted to thank you for sharing your kind, creative, funny, and brilliant students with me this year! This bunch will be a tough act to follow next year.

With Love & Gratitude,

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 3-7 (pages 59-60, odds)
- ELA: Read "Part I" in Inside Out & Back Again by Friday 11/16
- Social Studies: Thanksgiving Traditions writing

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Mystery/Suspense/Science Fiction Book DUE 12/5

Thursday, November 8, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 3-6 odd
- ELA: Bring one interesting fact about Vietnam and Refugees to add to our charts tomorrow.
- Social Studies: "Refugees & Migrants" Quick Check

- Thanksgiving Traditions Feast & Writing Due 11/15

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Posting from the road:

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 3-4 & 3-5 ODD
- "Migrant & Refugee Children" worksheet

- Thanksgiving Traditions Feast & Writing Due 11/15

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


I hope everyone is voting today! Every vote counts!

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math p. 51 odds, p. 52 odds
- ELA: Read page 2 of "Vietnam" + annotate!
- Social Studies: Migrants & Refugees worksheet

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Science Non-Fiction Due 11/7 (TOMORROW)
- Thanksgiving Traditions Pot Luck + Writing due Thursday 11/15

Monday, November 5, 2018


Posting from the road...

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: p 49 odds, p 50 odds
- ELA: Read page 1 of "Vietnam" + annotate

- Poetry Test Tomorrow (11/6)
- Science Non-Fiction Due 11/7

Thursday, November 1, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: "Day of the Dead" pages 3-4
- Math: Color by Numbers #6

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Due 11/2
- Poetry Test: Monday 11/5
- Science Non-Fiction Book Due 11/7
- Thanksgiving Traditions pot luck 11/15

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Happy Halloween!


(But please remember that STEM projects are due Friday 11/2)

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: "Day of the Dead" read/annotate + page 2
- Math: Color by Numbers #3

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Due 11/2
- Poetry Test: Monday 11/5
- Science Non-Fiction Book Due 11/7
- Thanksgiving Traditions pot luck 11/15

Monday, October 29, 2018


Good Afternoon!
Things are going to move at light speed from here until Winter Break!

On the horizon: We have our Book Fair Preview on Friday the 2nd, Parent/Teacher Conferences from the 5th-16th, and a Thanksgiving Feast/Tasting on the 16th.

A couple of parents asked me for the link to LAUSD's Parent Passport Portal. Here it is!
We are fortunate enough to have a chromebook cart in the building, which we share with Room 13. Students are doing a lot of independent research, as well as engaging in skills practice and reading online. If possible, it would be great for each student to have a pair of earbuds that they can use with the chromebooks in class.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: "History of Halloween" worksheet
- Math: Color by Numbers #5

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Due 11/2
- Poetry Test: Friday 11/2
- Science Non-Fiction Book Due 11/7

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Wish List

- kleenex (it's that time of year!)
- water bottles

- Sharpies (to share with the class)
- cardboard toilet paper & paper towel rolls, egg cartons, kleenex boxes
- a globe  (If you have a globe sitting in your garage that you wouldn't mind donating to our classroom, that would be fantastic!)

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Don't Forget:  1) Students should bring costumes in a bag tomorrow. They will change at 12:00.  2) Students should bring a lunch -- or plan to eat at the Cafeteria. We will eat early, though many students will eat again once families arrive.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Finish Compare/Contrast Roz & RECOs
- MATH: 3-1
- Science: "Equinoxes & Solstices" - page 4

- Earth Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #4 questions DUE 10/29

- Bring a pumpkin!
- Bring an empty cereal box -- or two!

Ongoing & Upcoming:
Wild Robot Test: 10/29
- At-Home STEM: 11/2
- Science Non-Fiction: 11/7

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Themes/Poetry
- MATH: Open-Ended Decimal Questions
- Science: "Equinoxes & Solstices" - page 3

- Earth Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #4 questions DUE 10/29

- Bring a pumpkin!
- Bring an empty cereal box -- or two!

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Wild Robot Test: 10/26
- At-Home STEM: 11/2
- Science Non-Fiction: 11/7

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Poetry - 
- MATH: Unit 2 Quiz 1 & 2
- Science: "Equinoxes & Solstices" - page 2

- Earth Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #4 questions DUE 10/29

- Bring a pumpkin!
- Bring an empty cereal box -- or two!

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Unit 2 Math Test: 10/24 (or 10/25)
- Wild Robot Test: 10/26
- At-Home STEM: 11/2
- Science Non-Fiction: 11/7

Monday, October 22, 2018


Just a few quick announcements:
It's middle school recommendation season! If you know you will be needing a recommendation for middle school, please send me the information as soon as possible. Weekends are the best time for me to get those taken care of for you, but I don't want to get everything at the last minute.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up! Conferences will be held November 5-16th. Please look for an email from me about time/date preferences and sign ups.

We will be making pumpkin globes next week. If possible, please have your student bring in a small-medium sized pumpkin by Monday.
- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Poetry - "The Village Green"
- MATH: Finish Unit 2 Practice Test
- Science: "Equinoxes & Solstices" - read & annotate

- Bring a pumpkin!
- Bring an empty cereal box -- or two!

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Unit 2 Math Test: 10/24
- Wild Robot Test: 10/26
- At-Home STEM: 11/2
- Science Non-Fiction: 11/7

Thursday, October 18, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Poetry - "My Shadow" by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Math: Unit 2 Practice Test
- Social Studies: "Democracy" page 4

- If possible, bring in an empty cereal box (or two!) by Monday

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Science Non-Fiction DUE: 11/7
- At-Home STEM DUE: 11/2
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

- Unit 2 Math Test: 11/24
- The Wild Robot Test: 11/24

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Poetry - "Mr. Nobody" by Anonymous
- Math: 2-8 (front=odds, back=evens)
- Social Studies: "Democracy" - page 2

* Find ONE fact (or statistic) about robots that you might use in your Opinion Essay

- Science w/Brandon: DUE Wednesday 10/17

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Non-Fiction (science) DUE: 11/7
- At-Home STEM DUE: 11/2
- 40 Book Challenge: Keep going!

- Math Test (decimals): 10/24
- ELA Test (The Wild Robot): 10/24

Monday, October 15, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Poetry - "Bed in Summer" by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Math: 2-7 (front=odds, back=evens)
- Social Studies: "Democracy" - read & annotate

- Science w/Brandon: DUE Wednesday 10/17

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Non-Fiction (science) DUE: 11/7
- At-Home STEM DUE: 11/2
- 40 Book Challenge: Keep going!

- Math Test (decimals): 10/24
- ELA Test (The Wild Robot): 10/24

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Students experienced a fantastic Hispanic Heritage Month performance today, and there was even a churro tasting!

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 2-5 (front & back)
- Social Studies: "Rights & Responsibilities" page 4

- Science w/Brandon
- Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #3 questions DUE 10/15

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Project #2: DUE 11/2
- Non-Fiction (science) Book DUE: 11/7
- 40 Book Challenge: Keep going!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 2-4 (front & back)
- Social Studies: "Rights & Responsibilities" page 3

- Science w/Brandon: "Exit Slip 1" DUE Tomorrow; page 8-11 questions DUE 10/17
- Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #3 worksheet DUE 10/15

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Non-Fiction (science) DUE: 11/7
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: 2-2 & 2-3 (p. 29: #1, 2, 6, 12, 22; p. 31: #2, 9, 14, 25)
- Social Studies: "Rights & Responsibilities" page 2

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Non-Fiction (science) Book DUE: 11/7
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Monday, October 8, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- The Wild Robot, chapters 72-80 --> Finish the book!
- ELA: Responding to the Text (at least 5 citations)
- Math: 2-1, p 27 odd; p 28 even
- Social Studies: "Rights & Responsibilities" read + annotate

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Historical Fiction DUE: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge: Keep going!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Today we met these Significant Americans: Ellen Ochoa, Augusta Savage, Jerry Yang, Apolo Anton Ohno, Louis Armstrong, and Booker T. Washington.




- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math (Lesson 1-9): page 17 #2, 4, 11; page 18 #10, 15, 16, 18
- Science "What is an Orbit?" page 3, questions 1-4

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Historical Fiction DUE: 10/10
- Math Test: Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Unlike
Denominators MONDAY 10/8
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math: CGI Word Problem #64
- Science: "What is an Orbit?" - page 2, questions 1-4

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Math Test - Fractions: Monday 10/8
- Historical Fiction DUE: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Monday, October 1, 2018


We had a fantastic start to our Significant Americans presentations! Today we were introduced to Helen Keller, Michelle Obama, Yo-Yo Ma, Rachel Carson, and Ruby Bridges!



- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA - The Wild Robot: Chapters 56-71
- Responding to the Text: the Wild Robot (at least 5 citations)
- Math (1-8): p. 15 #1, 8, and 10, p. 16 #2, 5, 16, 17
- Science: "What is an Orbit?" read + annotate

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Historical Fiction DUE: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge: Keep going!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


AstroCamp Packing List:

Shoes (close-toed)
Rain gear
Wash cloths
Bedding/sleeping bag
Water bottle
Two 2-liter bottles

Lip balm
Insect repellent
Money for ASTRO Store

Do NOT Pack
Cell phones


See you in the morning!

Monday, September 24, 2018


Happy Banned Books Week!

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- "Moon" article + questions
- FINISH: Significant Americans report Due TOMORROW

- PLEASE NOTE: Students may turn in Bottle Buddies portion of project on Monday 10/1

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Historical Fiction Book Due: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep Going!
- Earth Science w/Kirsten: Mystery #2 Questions Due: 10/10

Thursday, September 20, 2018


In-Class STEM Challenge: Create a hut for a shipwreck survivor that will protect him from the elements on a deserted island. With limited supplies and time, four tables were able to complete the challenge successfully: Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune!

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Word Problem #12
- "U.S. Constitution": 3rd Read/page 3 & Written Response

- Earth Science w/Kirsten: Questions Due Monday (9/24)

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Significant Americans Due: 9/25
- Historical Fiction Book Due: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Image result for stem project paper roll
So many creative STEM projects! We only got through half of the presentations today -- I can't wait to see the rest on Thursday! (I will take pictures.) 

Don't Forget: No School Tomorrow!

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Word Problem #10
- Page 2/Second Read of "U.S. Constitution"

- Physical Science w/Brandon: Questions Due Thursday (9/20)
- Earth Science w/Kirsten: Questions Due Monday (9/24)

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Significant Americans Due: 9/25
- Historical Fiction Book Due: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Monday, September 17, 2018


From the Wild Robot

"...I do not know how to act like a mother," [said the robot.]
        "Oh, it's nothing, you just have to provide the gosling with food and water and shelter, make him feel loved but don't pamper him too much, keep him away from danger, and make sure he learns to walk and talk and swim and fly and get along with others and look after himself. And that's really all there is to motherhood!"
        The robot just stared. (page 75)

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- The Wild Robot: Chapters 39-55 by Friday 9/21
- Responding to the Text - at least 5 citations
- Earth Science w/Kirsten: Mystery Science #2 Questions: Due Monday 9/24
- Read & Annotate: "The U.S. Constitution"

Also in folders today:
- Room 14 Parent Letter
- 5th Grade Parent Letter
- CMCS Newsletter
- CMCS Code of Conduct

Ongoing and Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Due: 9/18
- Significant Americans Due: 9/25
- Historical Fiction Book Due: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Sunday, September 16, 2018


AstroCamp is coming up soon! (September 26th) Here are some important things to remember:

Departure: It is important not to be late, as we will be leaving promptly on chartered buses for Idyllwild. 

We encourage students to arrive by car and park in the visitor lot, on the hill, or on the upper yard between 8:30 and 8:45 a.m on Wednesday morning.

If it is not possible to drive your student to school Wednesday morning, he/she could take the school bus, however space for luggage is very limited on all school buses.

Pick-Up: Plan to pick you student up on Friday afternoon at 3:30 p.m., but please understand that this is an estimated arrival time. 

Packing: Your child will be carrying his/her luggage, so do not over-pack. That being said, the weather in Idyllwild is variable, so packing layers is a good idea. All belongings must be labeled with the student's name and our school's name. 

Please pack plastic bags for wet bathing suits and towels. 

Also, please send two empty, clean 2-liter soda bottles for our rocket-building class.

Medications: All medications must be given to the teacher. Please have medication, with detailed instructions, in a labeled ziploc bag.  Students who use asthma inhalers will be carrying their inhalers with them at all times (even on the bus), so please make sure he/she has a small pack or secure pockets in which to carry the inhaler.

Motion Sickness: The bus ride to AstroCamp takes about 2 1/2 hours and part of the trip is on a winding road. If your child needs motion sickness pills (less drowsy formula), please administer just one pill when you drop them off on Wednesday morning. You can give one to the teacher to administer for the ride back. Again, all pills must be in a labeled ziploc, with instructions inside.

Looking forward to a great trip!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Spirit Days

Happy Friday!
I sent a reminder email out last night, but we still had less than half of Room 14 in Community gear today.

If your child has grown, and you haven't been able to make it up to school to get a shirt that fits yet, you can buy one online HERE.  If online is not your thing, you can also talk to Edith in the Main Office, and she will be able to help you out.


Thursday, September 13, 2018


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Personification worksheet (front and back)
- Math Word Problem "6"

- Equivalent Fractions Quiz TOMORROW

Ongoing and Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Due: 9/18
- Significant Americans Due: 9/25
- Student Council Candidate Speeches Due: 9/14
- Historical Fiction Book Due: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!
Image result for equivalent fractions

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Art vocabulary for this week: 

  • analogous: a group of colors that are next to each other on the color wheel, and share a color which is dominant

Don't Forget: Picture Day is TOMORROW

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math Word Problem "8"
- The Wild Robot: Chapters 26-38 by Friday (ANNOTATE)
- Responding to the Text (Ch 26-38) - at least 5 citations
- Science w/Brandon: Read p. 3-7 in Foss Book, Questions 1-3

- The Wild Robot Reading Quiz - Chapters 1-25 - TOMORROW

Ongoing and Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Due: 9/18
- Significant Americans Due: 9/25
- Student Council Candidate Speeches Due: 9/14
- Historical Fiction Book Due: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Posting from the road:

- Read at least 20 minutes
- Wild Robot through Chapter 38 by Friday (ANNOTATE)
- Responding to the Text (Ch 26-38) at least 5
- Word Problem “7”
- Animal Fiction Book Due: Tomorrow

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- 40 Book Challenge
- At-Home STEM Due: 9/18
- Significant Americans Report Due: 9/25
- Historical Fiction Book Due: 10/10

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Three Day Weekend!

As you know, we don't have any official weekend homework in Room 14, but a three-day weekend like this is a fantastic opportunity to catch up in the Wild Robot!  

Students should have finished Chapter 25 by the end of last week -- that is up to page 62. We will be having a reading comprehension quiz on Wednesday.

At home reading will be assigned for next week, through Chapter 38.

We do read much of the book together in class, but pre-reading helps with comprehension, and allows students to be ready to contribute to class discussions.

At home reading can be done independently, via audio book, or family read-aloud.

Friday, September 7, 2018


Happy Friday, Room 14 Families!

We had a great day today. Have a fantastic weekend!

Remember: No school on Monday.