Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Art vocabulary for this week: 

  • analogous: a group of colors that are next to each other on the color wheel, and share a color which is dominant

Don't Forget: Picture Day is TOMORROW

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- Math Word Problem "8"
- The Wild Robot: Chapters 26-38 by Friday (ANNOTATE)
- Responding to the Text (Ch 26-38) - at least 5 citations
- Science w/Brandon: Read p. 3-7 in Foss Book, Questions 1-3

- The Wild Robot Reading Quiz - Chapters 1-25 - TOMORROW

Ongoing and Upcoming:
- At-Home STEM Due: 9/18
- Significant Americans Due: 9/25
- Student Council Candidate Speeches Due: 9/14
- Historical Fiction Book Due: 10/10
- 40 Book Challenge - Keep going!

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