Wednesday, January 30, 2019


We had a fun (but tiring!) afternoon with the Walk Through the American Revolution program!  The kids looked great and they did a fantastic job with their parts! Several parents were able to attend, so there are photos and videos -- which I'm sure they will share. (I was busy keeping score...)

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: page 90 ODD, page 91 ODD
- ELA: One Crazy Summer, pages 1-55 by Friday
- FINISH: Once Crazy Summer Chapter 2 worksheet 

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/08: Sweetheart's Dance (5-8)
2/11: Ballroom Dancing Begins
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/25: Scholastic Book Fair begins
2/26: Grandparent's Day
**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Tomorrow is our day to Walk Through the American Revolution!

This is a new program for Community -- that means we're not quite sure what to expect! All students have been given character cards, and have been asked to try to put together something in the way of a costume for their character.*(General instructions are on the card -- I have issued several duplicate copies, so EVERY student should have at least one.) 

Parents are welcome to watch! We will be in the Auditorium.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: page 86 ODD, page 87 ODD
- ELA: One Crazy Summer, pages 1-55 by Friday
- FINISH: Once Crazy Summer Chapter 1 worksheet AND Character Traits worksheet

Ongoing & Upcoming:
1/30: Walk Through the American Revolution (11:45-2:25)
2/08: Sweetheart's Dance (5-8)
2/11: Ballroom Dancing Begins
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/26: Grandparent's Day
**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Monday, January 28, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: page 89 ODD, page 90 ODD
- ELA: One Crazy Summer, pages 1-55 by Friday
- FINISH: Once Crazy Summer Chapter 1 worksheet

Ongoing & Upcoming:
1/30: Walk Through the American Revolution (11:45-2:25)
2/08: Sweetheart's Dance (5-8)
2/11: Ballroom Dancing Begins
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/26: Grandparent's Day
**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Friday, January 25, 2019


Ongoing & Upcoming:
1/30: Walk Through the American Revolution (11:45-2:25)
2/08: Sweetheart's Dance (5:00-8:00)
2/11: Ballroom Dancing Begins
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/25: Scholastic Book Fair
2/26: Grandparent's Day
**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Thursday, January 24, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: page 87 ODD, page 88 ODD
- ELA: Close Reading - "Sitting In For Civil Rights"
- Social Studies: "The Major Battles of the Revolutionary War" DUE Friday

Ongoing & Upcoming:
1/30: Walk Through the American Revolution (11:45-2:25)
2/08: Sweetheart's Dance (?)
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/26: Grandparent's Day
**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


It was so wonderful to see all of my students back in the classroom today!! I'm really excited to get back to work. The kids can tell you -- I pushed them to do a lot today!

Thank you so much to all of the parents and families who supported us in whatever way you were able! 

The biggest gain, in my opinion, is an increased awareness among all stakeholders about all of the different players involved in public education, and what we all can do to bring about change.

A couple of quick notes:

1) I have submitted all teacher recommendations for next year. If you need me to call to make sure yours was received, please let me know. I'm more than happy to call to check.

2) Please check folders for information about Class Dojo. As I mentioned before break, I will be switching back to Dojo because the teacher interface is much more straightforward than ClassCraft.

3) Our Walk Through the American Revolution takes place next Wednesday! All students have been assigned roles, and are expected to have some sort of costume. (I showed the class a photo of my son, from when he was in the 5th grade play, with a costume we put together from the Goodwill. It doesn't have to be crazy!) I will be emailing you links to videos about how to make some "Colonial America" costume elements.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: page 81 ALL, page  82 ODD
- ELA: Close Reading - "Our Snowman Secret"
- Social Studies: "The Major Battles of the Revolutionary War" DUE Friday

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Biography Book DUE: 2/13
- Walk Through the American Revolution on 1/30 (11:45-2:15)
- Black History Month performance on 2/15 (Assembly)
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Thursday, January 10, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: Word Problems - Adding & Subtracting Fractions #1
- ELA/Social Studies: FINISH The Revolutionary Movement in America packet
- Social Studies: FINISH "I am..."

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Classic/Award Winning Book DUE: 1/16
- Walk Through the American Revolution on 1/30 (11:45-2:15)
- Black History Month performance on 2/15 (Assembly)

- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Just a quick note to let you know that all hard copies of middle school letters of recommendation have been sent through USPS, and I am down to my last two online recommendations. I should be finished by this evening.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: Word Problems - Multiplying Fractions #1
- ELA/Social Studies: "British Imperial Policy & the 1765 Stamp Act" + questions
- Finish: "I am..." (Walk Through the American Revolution)

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Classic/Award Winning Book DUE: 1/16
- Walk Through the American Revolution on 1/30 (11:45-2:15)
- Black History Month performance on 2/15 (Assembly)
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 Minutes
- MATH: Word Problems - Dividing Fractions #1
- ELA/Social Studies: "The French & Indian War" + questions

Ongoing & Upcoming:
- Classic/Award Winning Book DUE: 1/16
- Walk Through the American Revolution on 1/30 (11:45-2:15)
- Black History Month performance on 2/15
- 40 Book Challenge -- keep going!

Monday, January 7, 2019


Welcome Back, Room 14 Families!

It was so great to see the kids today! I have a whole bunch of fun stuff lined up for them -- so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we won't have any interruptions coming up.

I disconnected from my LAUSD email over the vacation, so please give me a day to respond if you have messaged me.

On a related note, I am planning to switch back to ClassDojo for the rest of the year. ClassCraft was a great idea, but it is too cumbersome on the teacher side for me to use effectively. Please be on the look out for information about how to connect to Dojo. 

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- ELA: Close Reading "Avalanches"
- MATH: Unit 4 - Quick Quiz 1