Saturday, March 9, 2019

Weekly Update 3/11-2/15

Read-A-Thon! Right now our team is in the lead. Please encourage your child to keep reading and logging their hours! (And get pledges...)
The Talent Show is on Thursday! I send home informational fliers and dvd order forms with students last week. Can't wait!
Thursday is 3/14, and you know what that means? Pi Day! If you are interested/able, please send your child with a pie to share with the class. We'll be doing some math with pi, too...  ;-)

Ongoing & Upcoming:
3/13 Humorous/Sports/Graphic Novel DUE
3/14  Pi Day
3/15 Talent Show
3/28 5th Grade Field Trip: Reagan Library
4/5   5th Grade Panoramic & Culmination Pictures
4/11 Open House
4/13 Spring Break
4/22 SBAC ELA Testing for Room 14! This is the day after Spring Break. 

Please check ClassDojo for a daily screen shot of the homework planner.

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