Wednesday, February 27, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes! Extra for Read-A-Thon!
One Crazy Summer: pages 199-215 by Friday.
- ELA: Page 3 (questions) from Earth articles
- MATH: 8-9 (pg 173 all, 174 odd)

If students are completing their Read-A-Thon reading logs on paper, Week 2 (pink) is due tomorrow so that they can tally for the Friday Assembly.

Biography Presentations for Thursday:

Ongoing & Upcoming:

This week: Scholastic Book Fair
3/13 Humorous/Sports/Graphic Novel DUE
3/15 Talent Show
3/28 5th Grade Field Trip: Reagan Library
4/5   5th Grade Panoramic & Culmination Pictures
4/13 Spring Break 
**40 Book Challenge + Read-A-Thon Week #2!!**
Pink Form due Thursday -- or log hours online

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


We had a fabulous Grandparents & Special Friends Day in Room 14!  Our visitors shared stories about Vietnam, peaceful protests, favorite toys, role models, New York, Zanzabar -- and more!

Special thanks to: Lyn Austin and Gerri Wycoff (Jack's family), Linda and Lorin Fife (Ezra's family), Lola Shahdadi (Sophie's family), Sadru Juma (Rayan's family), Rachel Gerstein (Sofia's family) and Susan Lerner and Nancy Hill (Lincoln's family).

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes! Extra for Read-A-Thon!
One Crazy Summer: pages 199-215 by Friday.
- ELA: "The Earth Spins" read + annotate
- MATH: 8-8 (pg 171 all, 172 odd)
- If necessary: Finish Ballroom Dancing assignment (Frank Sinatra paragraph)

Biography Presentations for Wednesday:

Ongoing & Upcoming:

This week: Scholastic Book Fair
3/13 Humorous/Sports/Graphic Novel DUE
3/15 Talent Show
3/28 5th Grade Field Trip: Reagan Library
4/5   5th Grade Panoramic & Culmination Pictures
4/13 Spring Break 
**40 Book Challenge + Read-A-Thon Week #2!!**
Pink Form due Thursday -- or log hours online

Monday, February 25, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes! Extra for Read-A-Thon!
One Crazy Summer: pages 199-215 by Friday.
- ELA: "Earth's Revolution" read + annotate
- MATH: 8-7 (pg 169 odd, 170 odd)

Biography Presentations for Tuesday:

Ongoing & Upcoming:
This week: Scholastic Book Fair
2/26 Grandparent's Day
3/13 Humorous/Sports/Graphic Novel DUE
**40 Book Challenge + Read-A-Thon Week #2!!**
Pink Form due Thursday -- or log hours online

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Weekend Reminders

The Scholastic Book Fair starts on Monday! This time around, you can set up an eWallet for your student so that they don't have to bring cash to school!  Go to Community's Book Fair page HERE to set it up.

Biography presentations on Monday:

Thursday, February 21, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes! Extra for Read-A-Thon!
One Crazy Summer: pages 152-199 by Friday.
- ELA: One Crazy Summer reading packet #3
- MATH: 8-6 (pg 167 odd, 168 odd)

Biography Presentations for Friday:

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/25 Scholastic Book Fair
2/26 Grandparent's Day
3/13 Humorous/Sports/Graphic Novel DUE
**40 Book Challenge + Read-A-Thon Week #2!!**

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


We had a great day at MOCA!  Thanks so much to Kassie (Layla's mom) and Kristen (Oliver's mom) for chaperoning!

Each student was given a Family Pass to MOCA (for up to 5 people) which is good through the end of September 30th!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 14th: This is the date of MOCA's next Sunday Studio, family art experience.

No (new) homework.

Biography Presentations for Thursday:

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


The Read-A-Thon Kick-Off was on Friday, and Room 14 is on Team: Queen Anne's Revenge!
Don't forget: MOCA Field Trip TOMORROW. Please have students wear comfortable walking shoes, and bring a bag lunch -- no glass.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes! Extra for Read-A-Thon!
- One Crazy Summer: pages 152-199 by Friday.
- ELA: One Crazy Summer reading packet #3
- MATH: 8-5 (pg 165 odd, 166 odd)

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/20 MOCA Field Trip
2/25 Scholastic Book Fair
2/26 Grandparent's Day
3/13 Humorous/Sports/Graphic Novel DUE
**40 Book Challenge + Read-A-Thon!!**

Friday, February 15, 2019

MOCA Field Trip Next Week!

Dear Families,

Next week we will have our first (of two) MOCA field trip of the year! We will be at the MOCA in Little Tokyo, NOT MOCA on Grand.

Here are some reminders for our MOCA field trip:

The students are allowed to bring five dollars ONLY to purchase either the traditional mochi or mochi ice cream at Little Tokyo during the walking tour. We ask that the students have no more than five dollars to spend. Since we will be walking around Little Tokyo for a little while, please make sure the students are wearing comfortable walking shoes.

As always, lunch should be packed in a sack lunch with no glass bottles!

On a first come, first serve basis, we can only accept three chaperones per classroom. If you’d like to ride the bus with us, please let us know as space is limited. This is a learning/working field trip and not meant to be a family shared one.  Each student will receive an annual family & friends pass to take home.

For the chaperones, MOCA asks that parent are not with their own child’s group during the museum tour. The students will be practicing VTS (visual thinking strategy) with the educators at MOCA. We hope you understand and respect MOCA’s policy.

Thank you for understanding,
The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade Team

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- One Crazy Summer: pages 102-151 by Friday
- MATH: 8-3, pg 161 all, pg 162 odd
- ELA: Close reading - "Valentines Day"

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/19: Biography book report costumes ready
2/20: MOCA Field Trip - field trip slips due by 2/19
2/22: Read-A-Thon Kick Off!
2/25: Scholastic Book Fair
2/26: Grandparent's Day
**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: 8-2, pg 159 all, pg 160 odd
One Crazy Summer, pages 102-151 by Friday
-  ELA: Close Reading - "The Case of the Missing Poodle"

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip -- field trip slips due by 2/19!
2/25: Scholastic Book Fair begins
2/26: Grandparent's Day
**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Monday, February 11, 2019


Ballroom dancing has begun! Despite the drama, I think they all (secretly) had fun. Ask them about the merengue.

We are starting a new math unit, and today's homework did not include the metric length chart.  Here is a picture of what we went over in class:
- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: 8-1, pg 157 all, pg 158 odd
One Crazy Summer, pages 102-151 by Friday
-  ELA: Close Reading - "The Night the Power Went Out"

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/25: Scholastic Book Fair begins
2/26: Grandparent's Day
**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Friday, February 8, 2019

Happy Friday!

Valentine's Day is next week! Just a friendly reminder: If your child decides to bring valentines and/or treats, there need to be enough for the whole class.  There are 29 students in Room 14. I will send home a class list on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 7, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: Money Word Problems
One Crazy Summer, pages 56-101 by Friday
-  ELA: Close Reading - "Evergreen Trees"

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/08: Sweetheart's Dance (5-8)
2/11: Ballroom Dancing Begins
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/25: Scholastic Book Fair begins
2/26: Grandparent's Day

**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Today we talked about digital citizenship, online safety, and digital footprints.  5th graders are still very young -- they have access to a lot of content and need a lot of oversight. 

Common Sense Media is a great website for adults looking for ways to support kids in the tech age.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: FINISH Unit 4 Quick Quiz 2
One Crazy Summer, pages 56-101 by Friday
-  ELA: Close Reading - "A Real Life Batman"

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/07: Unit 4 Math Test
2/08: Sweetheart's Dance (5-8)
2/11: Ballroom Dancing Begins
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/25: Scholastic Book Fair begins
2/26: Grandparent's Day

**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: FINISH Unit 4 Practice Test (pages 158-160) + p. 97 & 98
One Crazy Summer, pages 56-101 by Friday
-  ELA: Close Reading - "Insects for Dinner"

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/07: Unit 4 Math Test
2/08: Sweetheart's Dance (5-8)
2/11: Ballroom Dancing Begins
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/25: Scholastic Book Fair begins
2/26: Grandparent's Day
**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

Monday, February 4, 2019


- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: Unit 4 Practice Test (pages 155-157)
One Crazy Summer, pages 56-101 by Friday
-  ELA: Close Reading - "Sit In at the Minute Inn"

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/06: Unit 4 Math Test
2/08: Sweetheart's Dance (5-8)
2/11: Ballroom Dancing Begins
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/25: Scholastic Book Fair begins
2/26: Grandparent's Day
**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**