Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Today we talked about digital citizenship, online safety, and digital footprints.  5th graders are still very young -- they have access to a lot of content and need a lot of oversight. 

Common Sense Media is a great website for adults looking for ways to support kids in the tech age.

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes
- MATH: FINISH Unit 4 Quick Quiz 2
One Crazy Summer, pages 56-101 by Friday
-  ELA: Close Reading - "A Real Life Batman"

Ongoing & Upcoming:
2/07: Unit 4 Math Test
2/08: Sweetheart's Dance (5-8)
2/11: Ballroom Dancing Begins
2/13: Biography Book DUE
2/15: 5th Grade Black History Month Assembly (8:10)
2/20: MOCA Field Trip
2/25: Scholastic Book Fair begins
2/26: Grandparent's Day

**40 Book Challenge -- keep going!**

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