Tuesday, February 26, 2019


We had a fabulous Grandparents & Special Friends Day in Room 14!  Our visitors shared stories about Vietnam, peaceful protests, favorite toys, role models, New York, Zanzabar -- and more!

Special thanks to: Lyn Austin and Gerri Wycoff (Jack's family), Linda and Lorin Fife (Ezra's family), Lola Shahdadi (Sophie's family), Sadru Juma (Rayan's family), Rachel Gerstein (Sofia's family) and Susan Lerner and Nancy Hill (Lincoln's family).

- Read AT LEAST 20 minutes! Extra for Read-A-Thon!
One Crazy Summer: pages 199-215 by Friday.
- ELA: "The Earth Spins" read + annotate
- MATH: 8-8 (pg 171 all, 172 odd)
- If necessary: Finish Ballroom Dancing assignment (Frank Sinatra paragraph)

Biography Presentations for Wednesday:

Ongoing & Upcoming:

This week: Scholastic Book Fair
3/13 Humorous/Sports/Graphic Novel DUE
3/15 Talent Show
3/28 5th Grade Field Trip: Reagan Library
4/5   5th Grade Panoramic & Culmination Pictures
4/13 Spring Break 
**40 Book Challenge + Read-A-Thon Week #2!!**
Pink Form due Thursday -- or log hours online

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